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Learn Leap Fly Blog
October 18, 2016
By having the device ‘cut off’ an activity at the right time, kids stayed engaged with learning longer. When they were done learning, they simply put the device down, without complaints or tantrums, and come back the next day ready and excited to learn some more. We call this feature “Kasuku is Tired.”
October 16, 2016
I don’t know what I was expecting a children’s home to be like, but I was in no way prepared for the amazing project that Mama Nancy and Mze Edwin built at at Mercy and Caring Childrens Home in Kitale, Kenya.
October 15, 2016
I’ve been thrown into a lot of unexpected speaking situations, but standing up and facing 40 Swahili-speaking children in East Africa, challenged with the task of explaining why we were there—this was not a topic or setting that I had any experience in.
October 14, 2016
From the inside of a bus, we got our first look at Kenya proper. We saw apartments, golf courses, donkey carts, piki pikis, tuk tuks, markets, shepherds, zebras, baboons, and M-pesa stands everywhere. We saw more things than we could conceivably process, and then we saw more. For 6 hours we looked out the windows onto a country that we don’t yet understand
October 13, 2016
In a few days, we are heading to a children’s home in rural Kenya. We will stay there for 10 days, to meet the kids, learn what we can of the language and culture, and give our software is first major field test.